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Save on Electricity

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Home Energy Savings Report
Save Up to 40% on Your Electric Bill

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Say Goodbye to Overpriced Electricity and Start Saving

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How it Works

Step 1

Review Your Savings Report

Get your personalized energy savings report instantly and see how much you can save.

Step 2

Chat with aN Energy Advisor

Discuss your options and receive expert advice tailored to your personal energy usage

Step 3

Choose a Plan and start saving

Choose the plan that suits your individual needs and begin your journey to savings and energy independence.

Don't Wait! Your Electric Bill is Rising! Switch to Our New Green Energy Utility Plan with No Upfront Costs.

Real Savings Example:


per month


over 25yrs

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* based on an actual customer in PG&E territory for a 10kw system using EcoSave PPA